Art and Photography

This section is a collection of my non-commercial art, photography and other creative projects.

"Cats Away".  This is one of my large acrylic paintings on canvas.

This is a PhotoShop painting that I did of a fox. It is about 3 hours condensed into 1 minute.


Here are a few of my photographs. These are basically snapshots, nothing commercial.

Drawings & Paintings

Here are a few of my drawings and paintings. Most of the paintings are mixed media on large canvases. The drawings are pencil or chalk.


These are some experimental CG images that I did. They are based on fractal theory and energy waves.

Jewelry Designs

I worked as a professional jewelry designer for several years. These are a small sample of my designs.

Here I am applying alginate to a model for life casting. The next step was to slosh-mold a positive out of wax and clay. After cleaning up the clay positive I will create another mold out of plaster. This can be used to make a silicone/latex head or mask.


The CGI artist in me couldn’t wait for the practical head, so I hand modeled a 3D version. You can view the test in the “3D Animation/works in-progress” section.

Indie Feature Film

I absolutely love film! Ever since I bought my first Supper 8 movie camera at age 10, I have loved every aspect of filmmaking.  Currently I am involved in the production of several films. Click on the movie poster below to check out my feature film "Making Buttprints".